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Family Photography - Terms and Conditions 

1. Making the booking and payment:

1.1. Bookings made with Laura Hartley Photography must be secured with a deposit of £50. Payment should be made within 5 working days of making the provisional booking and is non-refundable.

1.2. The remaining balance must be made on or before the date of the photo shoot.

1.3. The edited photos will be made available in digital format to the client as soon as is reasonably possible after final payment has cleared. This is usually around one week but this can vary at busy times.

2. Choosing a Location:

2.1. Locations are chosen in conjunction between Laura Hartley Photography and the client(s).

2.2. By agreeing to the chosen location you agree that you are happy for the photo shoot to take place there, you consider it safe, and that Laura Hartley Photography is in no way responsible for any accident or injury that may take place whilst on the photo shoot.

3. During the Photo Shoot:

3.1. The photo shoot will run for approximately an hour and a half, unless agreed with the client that it should end sooner (for example in the case of rain near the end of the shoot, children becoming tired etc). I will never end a shoot early unless it is with your full agreement. If you agree to end a shoot early then you agree that, unless otherwise specified by myself at the time, it will not be rearranged.

3.2. Parents/guardians are solely responsible for their children’s behaviour and safety on the shoot. Laura Hartley Photography is in no way responsible for any accidents on the shoot. 

3.3. If you would like any specific photographs please feel free to tell me. I will try my best to accommodate your wishes but due to the unpredictable nature of children this may not always be possible and I provide no guarantees in this regard.

3.4 Although I am very experienced at dealing with children (both as a primary school teacher and family photographer) please note that I cannot be held responsible for children's behaviour on a photo shoot. I will try my very best for the allocated time to gain their cheerful cooperation, however I of course cannot guarantee anything and can only photograph what I am presented with.

3.5 In the unlikely even that threatening language or behaviour is used on a photoshoot by any member of the party, both towards myself or anyone else present, I retain the right to immediately cancel and leave the photoshoot. The full amount will still be payable and I will deliver photos based on what we have already captured.

4. Rescheduling the Photo Shoot:

4.1. Should the client wish to reschedule the shoot due to illness then I shall do so at no extra cost, as long as you inform me of any illness as far in advance as possible, and at minimum with two hours notice before the shoot is due to commence. If you inform me with less than two hours notice then your deposit may be lost - this is at my discretion based on whether I have already set off travelling etc.

4.2. Laura Hartley Photography will make all reasonable efforts to get to the photo shoot. Should I be unable to for any reason, for example illness or inclement weather, I will notify you as soon as reasonably possible and a date will be rescheduled in agreement with you. Should you not wish to reschedule a photo shoot which has been cancelled by Laura Hartley Photography then the deposit will be repaid in full.

4.3. If there is particularly wet weather on the day of the shoot then Laura Hartley Photography will contact the client and mutually agree a course of action. This may be:

a) rescheduling the shoot for when there is dry weather

b) changing the location of the photoshoot, please note this might not always be possible

​4.4. If the shoot has to be postponed due to inclement weather please note that no deposit will be repaid, instead an alternative date will be mutually and your deposit transferred to the new date. Should your photo shoot be time critical please inform Laura Hartley Photography of this at the time of making the booking so the weather forecast can be carefully monitored and the shoot can be rescheduled in advance if necessary.

5. Supplying Photographs:

5.1. Laura Hartley Photography will always aim to provide at least 30 photos for newborn shoots, and 50 photographs for outdoor shoots (often more). Laura Hartley Photography will select these from the many images taken on the day. 

5.2. Should Laura Hartley Photography be unable to provide the above minimum number of photographs, a partial refund will be provided to you. Please note this is extremely unlikely and has never happened! 

​5.3. All images provided will be edited carefully and individually by Laura Hartley Photography before being made available to you.

5.4. The edited photographs will be made available to you in digital format only. A link will be emailed to you from which the images can be both viewed and downloaded. This link will be valid for at least 30 days (and usually at least 6 months). Should you have any problems accessing the link please inform Laura Hartley Photography as soon as possible and you will be assisted and alternative methods of accessing the photographs can be made available if necessary.

5.5. The following version of each edited photograph will be provided:

- a high resolution, watermark free version, which is for your personal use. A copyright release is issued for you to obtain unlimited prints of these in any format that you choose, for yourself, family and friends’ personal, non-commercial use.

5.6 You are very welcome to use the images on the internet (for example to share with your friends and family on Facebook) should you wish.

5.7 Laura Hartley Photography is under no obligation to provide you with any of the unselected photos from the photo shoot. I have very high standards when it comes to which images I select to provide to you. Please be assured that I would never withhold a good photo from you and as such I don't limit my selection at all. I take great care to select the best images for you and the rest are deleted as part of my work flow during the editing process. Most of the unselected images are simply test shots/duplicates/unflattering expressions etc.

6. Use of the Photographs:

6.1. Copyright of all images belongs solely to Laura Hartley Photography. 

6.2. The photographs provided to you have a copyright release. This entitles you to unlimited non-commercial use of the photos however you should wish.

6.3. I will never use your images without asking for your express permission. If you do agree that Laura Hartley Photography may use the photographs to promote the business then this may include:

- displaying some of the images on or any future website

- displaying some of the images on Facebook

- displaying some images on Laura Hartley Photography’s Flickr, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest accounts etc.

Please note I would never sell them to a third party or allow a third party to use them without your explicit further consent.

6.4. Should you change your mind in the future with regards to the use of the photos, please contact me and I will of course discontinue their use immediately.​​​

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